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Green Resilience Facility 4 Ukraine

Why Us and
Why Now?

Unique Expertise

Our Management Team boasts an extensive network of partners and decades of experience in both European and Ukrainian markets. This equips us to successfully lead Ukraine to become the EU’s green energy and security hub.

Efficient Investment Strategy

GRF4UA employs mixed investment strategies, incorporating environmental and social considerations to secure enduring returns for investors. We diversify our portfolio to create a synergy of projects. By combining traditional and new energy sources, we ensure the most attractive financial results.

Market Opportunity

Highlighting the dynamic energy landscape, the EU's RePowerEU plan aims to elevate renewable energy targets from 32% to 42.5% in the total energy mix by 2030. Ukraine, which is set to join the Union in the near future, can provide enduring and reliable instruments to fill the supply gap.



Where profit meets impact.

Green Resilience Facility aims to enable sustainable finance flow to rebuild a greener, technologically advanced, and resilient Ukraine in alignment with the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The primary goal of GRF4UA is to reduce CO2 emissions, generating enduring and sustainable returns for investors. We remain committed to investing in green generation and sustainable projects during and after the war.


The GRF4UA team has profound expertise in the Ukrainian energy market, with more than 1 GWt projects (in both own investments and client projects). In a nutshell, we are developing a chain of projects from business ideas up to the ready-to-build stage, working on further financing, de-risking, and construction. 

Investment Portfolio


Green Generation
(wind, solar, small hydro) & batteries storage


Green Infrastructure & Energy Hub (green hydrogen & green ammonia production)


ReGenerativeAgro, Food Resilience & Security


Green Cities & Industrial Parks



Climate Change & The War

Challenged with the need to mitigate both climate catastrophe and the impacts of war, Ukraine is compelled to accelerate its efforts towards decarbonization and reconstruction. In the face of constant attacks on the energy system, the allure of quick, traditional coal/oil generation is tempting but inadequate.


Our team is dedicated to laying the groundwork for sustainable, technologically advanced reconstruction. Recognizing that the energy transition is not just a luxury but an existential imperative, we champion diversified, decarbonized, and decentralized energy as the key to security. Our focus is on impactful projects with significant economic, social, or environmental benefits, contributing to a resilient and sustainable future.

Image by Levi Meir Clancy

Project Support & Collaborations

We have garnered significant support for our Biomethane projects chain, with financial backing from Innovate UK, technical advice and partnership from UK Rika Biofuel, and a client partnership with German NOTUS for 300 GWt Wind. Additionally, we have signed memoranda with two cities on their path to a just transition and sustainability, along with the largest infrastructural hub, aiding their evolution in tandem with technological progress and global needs.


Our current focus involves securing finance for green generation and infrastructure. This includes wind, solar, hydro generation, logistics and ports development for low-carbon carriers like bio-LNG and CNG, smart grids, battery storage and balancing, elements of sustainable cities (with two signed memoranda for their transformation), regenerative agriculture (including green biomethane), carbon capture and storage, as well as hydrogen and ammonia production.


The Green Resilience Facility has the potential to revolutionize the power sector infrastructure at an unprecedented scale and pace to meet climate and development goals. Our approach involves seeking affordable development, blending local capital, concession/green finance, along with private funds. By derisking projects, we aim to catalyze private capital and mobilize private investment into these green and impact-driven strategies. Currently, we are in search of flexible funds and risk-tolerant funds to catalyze private investment aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), preparing to attract growing volumes of private capital at a later stage.

Scalable Projects

Our goal is to invest in projects that generate substantial economic, social, or environmental impact. Employing innovative technologies and adaptable structures, we strive for replication and scalability. GRF4UA aims to establish a chain of projects that not only serve as market benchmarks but also have the potential to stimulate significant private sector capital on a large scale.

Blending finance & de-risking investments

We combine concessional green finance with private funds, mitigating risks to attract capital and stimulate private investment in environmentally impactful projects. Currently, we are in search of flexible and risk-tolerant funds to catalyze private investment in strategies focused on addressing energy challenges in Ukraine.


In pursuit of this vision, we are assembling a diverse team driven by the shared commitment to Ukrainian green and sustainable reconstruction.

Projects Under Development

GRF4UA aims to boost project potential during the early development stage through blended finance: grants, concession finance, green philanthropies, and impact investors.

We are derisking projects by applying for war insurance and guarantees provided by governments and financial institutions.

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